Personal page of Guillaume Iooss

I am a researcher at Inria (CRCN in team CORSE in Grenoble).

My topics of interest are polyhedral compilation, high-performance computing and synchronous compilation. More precisely, I work on the polyhedral model, on the tiling transformation, on program equivalence (and using semantic properties in a compiler) and on synchronous languages.

Contact informations:

  • Professional email:
  • (Outdated) Work office: C334 - Campus Minatec - Grenoble
  • I am also on Github

Ma photo


List of publications


  • Library implementing the basic mathematical operations for the monoparametric partitioning transformation: Github repository (integrated inside a C compiler)
  • Various transformations in the AlphaZ compiler
  • Various transformations in the Heptagon compiler (especially inside the "onesync", and the "opencl-redefine" branches)
  • Contributions to the IOLB tool, online demo webpage can be found here.
  • Contributions to Ttile, a code generator and strategy explorer for tensor-like operations (convolution, matrix multiplication, tensor contraction)

Community service

Teaching (TD/TP):

  • (2021-2023) INF301 - Algorithmique et Programmation Impérative (L2 - UGA)
  • (2020-2021) Base de la Programmation (L3 - Ensimag)
  • (2019-2020) Circuit et Architecture des ordinateurs (M1 - Université Paris Diderot)
  • (2017-2018) Compilation (L2 - IUT Orsay)
  • (2017-2018) Projet Nao (robotique) (L2 - IUT Orsay)
  • (2013-2014) Image (M1 Ens Lyon)
  • (2013-2014) LIF3: algorithmique et programmation fonctionnelle et récursive (L1 - Université Lyon 1)
  • (2013-2014) Théorie de la programmation (L3 Ens Lyon)
  • (2012-2013) Image (M1 Ens Lyon)
  • (2012-2013) Compilation (M1 Ens Lyon)